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Python algorithm to approximate closest parallel equivalence of resistors from a list

The formula for series equivalence of resistors: series equivalence = sum(resistors) For parallel it is 1/(sum(1/resistors[i])) I wrote code to return a list of resistors that is closest to a specified target value from a list, within a specified tolerance. So for example series_equivalance([1,2,3,4,5],7,0)will return [5,2]. I want to a function that can do the same for parallel equivalence. How

Exe generated by PyInstaller fails quietly on a different machine

I’m having trouble getting an exe generated by PyInstaller on one PC (PC-Good) working on another (PC-Bad). The exe is created on PC-Good, and executes as expected on PC-Good Both PCs are running Windows 10 Issue occurs on PC-Bad upon calling most of the matplotlib.pyplot methods (such as subplots() or plot()) Issue persists even when matplotlib is in non-interactive mode

Turning an Open CV frame into a Base64 encoded JPEG

I want to take a frame from an Open CV webcam stream, produce a JPEG thumbnail and then encode it as Base64 (It will then be sent as an MQTT message, but this is not the problem). My Python “sendimage” function is: It seems to work as far as the cv2.imencode, but the base64.b64encode fails with. Exception in thread Thread-1:
