Let a = np.arange(1, 4). To get the 2 dimensional multiplication table for a, I do: For 3 dimensions, I can do the following: How could I write a function that takes a numpy array a and a number of dimensions n as input and ouputs the n dimensional multiplication table for a? Answer This should do what you need:
Matplotlib Contourf with Irregular Data
I have a soil property data with depth in different x points. The borehole data are not in equal depth or number, so I have to standardize the code. If all boreholes have same number of data and depth, no problem, np.meshgrid will work fine. However, in my case, I had a trouble and couldn’t manage to draw a contourf
Matplotlib plot with ConnectionPaths objects layout issues
I have a script that plots point correspondences between images: This results with an overlap of the axes ticks of one image with the other. When I try to add fig.tight_layout() at the end of the script the image’s size is drastically diminished: Is it possible to keep the images large and avoid the ticks overlapping? Thanks! Answer As mentioned
How to delete mp3 file after the bot played it
I am trying to create a music bot and now I want the bot to delete the current playing song after it finished playing. There’s my code: It’s saving the files to a folder called “music_files” with the format videoid.mp3 I noticed that it’s logging something in the cmd when logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) is added to the main.py file under the imports,
Binding event to combobox selection to display image inside Toplevel window (Tkinter Python)
I am attempting to bind a selection event to items within a combobox to display an image inside a toplevel window once the specified item is selected. The code I have runs without error. However, the images are not displayed upon selecting the items inside the combobox. Any help would be appreciated. Answer This is a subtle issue with binding
filter dates using pandas from dataframe
I have a column of dates. I need to filter out those dates that fall between today’s date and end of the current month. If the dates fall between these dates then the next column showns “Y” Date Column 01/02/2021 03/02/2021 31/03/2021 Y 01/03/2021 07/03/2021 Y 08/03/2021 Y Since today’s date is 07/03/2021 three dates fall between 07/03/2021 and 31/03/2021.
TensorFlow CNN Incompatible Shapes: 4D input shape
I have sample data in the form: Data[n][31][31][5][2] with: “[n]” being the sample “[31][31]” being the array of data points “[5]” being the number of bits within that data point and “[2]” being one-hot encoding of the bits (eg a bit of 1 would be [1, 0] and a zero [0, 1]) The output is intended to either be a
Is there any way to show mean in box plot using Python?
I’m just starting using Matplotlib, and I’m trying to learn how to draw a box plot in Python using Colab. My problem is: I’m not able to put the median on the graph. The graph just showed the quartiles, mean, and outliers. Can someone help me? My code is the following. Answer I tried running your code with a sample
word search in python :a search which return the indices the letters
#the following program checks the words in a 2D array and returns a nested list of the indices of the words.the algorithm checks the words in horizontal direction(left &right),vertical direction (upward and downward) and diagonally(left to right in the downward direction) **problem that i’am facing ** #the program returns correct indices for some of the words but for some it
Why use requirements.txt in a Docker image
There is a similar question from last year but I don’t think the responses are widely applicable and it’s not accepted. Edit: this is in the context of developing small jobs that will only be run in docker in-house; I’m not talking about sharing work with anyone outside a small team, or about projects getting heavy re-use. What advantage do