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Python – Nested Loops

I am having a problem with a loop in python to get the desired result. Here is my issue. First, I have 1 text file: urls.txt. This file has multiple URLs. Second, I have multiple json files. Lets say there are 5 json files. I want to process first n lines of the urls.txt file with 1.json file and then

Verify Median Value with Area Under the Curve Calculation

I want to calculate the area under this curve for confirmation that the size is correct. How would one go about doing this? I have a frequency plot below. The package utilized for this median calculation is here: I started with thinking the trapezoid method could be utilized to verify that value How can I write something so when

View Alaskan/East Siberian Side of Arctic in Cartopy

I have some points plotted on a NorthPolarStero map in Cartopy using the following code But I would actually like to plot just the top half of this image, like this: If I change the “`ax.set_extent“ line to either: [90, -90, 90, 66] or [-90, 90, 90, 66] It just gives me the bottom half of the plot, like this:

Training a single model jointly over multiple datasets in tensorflow

I want to train a single variational autoencoder model or even a standard autoencoder over many datasets jointly (e.g. mnist, cifar, svhn, etc. where all the images in the datasets are resized to be the same input shape). Here is the VAE tutorial in tensorflow which I am using as a starting point: For training the model, I would
