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Extending dictionary with cascading methods

I am extending the dict class in python: I would like to be able to do: the problem I have here is that jmespath can return a list, so I cannot do: Next idea would be creating a prettyprint class that superDict would inherit from and could also be used in the return of search: But I can’t figure out

Treeview heading off by one column?

I cannot for the life of me find any post or documentation that explains why the Treeview heading is off by one column from the rest of the data. Even the documentation I found shows this issue in an example but does not describe the issue. As you can see the headings are off by one column. I cannot figure

ordering modelchoicefield in django loses formatting

I wanted to order a list in my form view, and found this post here: How do I specify an order of values in drop-down list in a Django ModelForm? So I edited my code and added the line specialty = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset =’…’) So then I reload the form and the widget is all smoshed and funky looking. I checked

comparing numpy arrays with np.allclose()

I am new to Python. I cannot understand the behavior of the following code (I am trying to create a unit test for something): This code prints: Why when I print arrays their values are equal, but then I print their last items they are different? If the values are actually different, why is_equal2 is True? If the values are

Does calling a c function via ctypes in python release the GIL during execution of the C code

I want to call some c function from python to be able to improve performance of my code. But I cannot find online whether when I call a C function using the ctypes libraries the GIL is released. As a simple example: Is the GIL released during the call to fun.sleep? Answer According to [Python.Docs]: ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(restype, *argtypes, use_errno=False, use_last_error=False) (emphasis
