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How can Jinja2 read a function without passing it explicitly?

In the flask:flashing documentation, I encounter the following situation. And here is the Jinja2 used HTML file. So I wonder that even if there is no function passed in to the HTML file by using return statement in Python file, Jinja2 can read get_flashed_messages() function, which is a function under the flask module. How is this possible? Answer Messages to

Getting Key in Nested Dictionary

I have a dictionary like this: Now I want to extract the key whenever a value from that key is searched. For example if user inputs mango it should print fruit How can I do this? Answer There is no way to directly do this to my knowledge, but you can try an iterative approach over the dictionary’s values:

tkinter, pack inside grid and propagation not working

I am trying to create a button with a fixed size. So, I created a Frame (grid) with the size I want and then a child Button (pack) inside of the Frame that takes all the space. Here is a minimal example: Without the commented line above, I expected that it would work (having a rectangle of the specified size),

monitor chrome tabs – python selenium

I’m writing a script where I need you to monitor the number of open tabs. The script reads a table and each information in the table opens a new tab in the browser. It turns out that in order not to have thousands of tabs open, I need the script to monitor the tabs to have only 3 open, when

Connect to MS access database using PyQt5

I’m trying to connect to a MS access database using the following code: I have office 2019 installed. I cannot figure out what is wrong in the connection string or the driver. Answer I figured out that this problem happened because I have a 64-bit of python and a 32-bit of access database engine driver. After installing the 64-bit access

Flask testing with pytest, ENV is set to production?

I have built a flask app and i would like to create a test suite. Reading around it looks like pytest is the way to go; however, I am finding it very difficult to understand how to get going, I have looked at but am struggling to relate it to my app. my project has a at its

url path is matching the wrong view in drf viewsets

Django beginner here, I have two similar endpoints as shown below, they differ in their url_path of the action decorator and the request parameters requester_id and approval id The problem both /workflow_approvals/{requester_id}/ and /workflow_approvals/{approval_id}/ are routing to the requester method view(the first below) my file looks like this Answer Django doesn’t have a way of differentiating /workflow_approvals/{requester_id}/ and /workflow_approvals/{approval_id}/,
