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pytest is not running to pick up custom command args

In a project im working on we have a step where we export a csv before exporting we run a regression test step against the report using pytest. pytest is invoked using the following command –sample and –expectations are custom args defined in the using the following when calling this code locally it works pytest finds the conf but

How to remove an element from a list, referencing it by weakref?

How to remove a list’s element by referencing it by weakref? This returns a ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list. Answer You need to call the reference object: The original object can be retrieved by calling the reference object if the referent is still alive; if the referent is no longer alive, calling the reference object will cause None to

how to divide a datetime object by an int

I can’t seem to divide a datetime.time object by an int. Looking at the documentation I can’t figure out why it isn’t working. I get the error: unsupported operand type(s) for /: ‘datetime.time’ and ‘int’. I did see a method that splits the time down into second then performs the division on the number of seconds, but wondering if there

How to get items that are true for ANY() method in Python

Say: How to get the signs it found true in the iteration? Here’s a way Is there a better one liner way of doing it? (Without the for loop maybe) Answer With the few modifications to the any expression, you can get whether each of the signs is in the expression, which signs are in the expression, or just the

Grouping two variables based on third variable bins in python

My intension is to group two variables pairs falling within a third variable’s bin interval. such as: So that I can fetch a XY pair for a particular bin range of third variable, e.g., bin of 25-50 For the same, I tried to sort the “Z” variable and accordingly “X” and “Y” variables, with Z, Y, X = zip(*sorted(zip(Z,Y,X))), that

Combining dummies and count for pandas dataframe

I have a pandas dataframe like this: as a plain text: {‘id;sub_id;value;total_stuff related to id and sub_id’: [‘aaa;1;cat;10’, ‘aaa;1;cat;10’, ‘aaa;1;dog;10’, ‘aaa;2;cat;7’, ‘aaa;2;dog;7’, ‘aaa;3;cat;5’, ‘bbb;1;panda;20’, ‘bbb;1;cat;20’, ‘bbb;2;panda;12’]} The desired output I want is this. Note that there are many different “values” possible, so I would need to automate the creation of dummies variables (nb_animals). But these dummies variables must contain the
