I have Select access to a MS SQL database that I would like to extract data into a Pandas dataframe running inside a Jupyter notebook. For reasons out of my control, I have access to the database from a different user. How can I query the database from Jupyter while connected to my current user account?
This is how you can do this:
- Python needs to be installed for all users in computer.
- Install Visual C++ Build tools Microsoft C++ Build Tools – Visual Studio
- Create a directory for the virtualenv accesible by all users in the computer, for example:
mkdir C:virtualenv
- Make a copy of the Command Prompt and paste in the virtualenv directory.
From: C:UsersYOURUSERNAMEAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsSystem ToolsCommand Prompt
To: C:virtualenvCommand Prompt
- Run Command Prompt as different user (press shift + right click) and login with YOURDOMAIN.
cd C:virtualenv
- Create the virtualenv:
python -m venv .
- Connect to the virtualenv.
- Install dependencies
pip install --upgrade jupyter pyodbc sqlalchemy pandas pip
- Create a Jupyter configuration file for the user.
jupyter notebook --generate-config
- Close the Command Prompt.
- Right click on the Command Prompt shortcut, then select Properties.
- Clear and leave empty the values from Start in and replace the Target values with:
Target: %windir%system32runas.exe /user:YOURUSERNAME@YOURDOMAIN “CMD /k "cd C:virtualenv && Scriptsactivate && jupyter notebook”"
**Optional: You may add /savecred (after/user) and it will remember the password. For security reasons you should not do this. - Double click the command prompt to run Jupyter.
Create a notebook to connect to your SQL database and download a table into a Pandas dataframe.
import os import pyodbc import sqlalchemy as db import pandas as pd windomain = os.environ["userdomain"] if windomain == "YOURDOMAIN": server = "YOURSERVER" database = "YOUDATABASE" driver = "{SQL Server}" connect = "DRIVER="+driver+";SERVER="+ server+";DATABASE="+database+ ";Trusted_Connection=yes" engine = db.create_engine( "mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect={}".format(connect)) else: print("Open as different user.") df = pd.read_sql( """ SELECT TOP(100) * FROM [YOURDATABASE] """, con=engine, )