I have a dataframe with the number of people vaccinated per day and I’m trying to put this data in a daily bar chart of Plotly, but it aggregates the data every about 13 days. I don’t want the aggregated view this way, I need it to show the bars per day.
Below is a part of the dataframe and the code.
grafico = px.histogram(df.query('dose_vacina == "1ª Dose"'), x = "data_aplicacao_vacina", y = "doses_totais", color = "nome_fabricante_vacina", color_discrete_map={ "AstraZeneca": "#00CC96", "Coronavac": "#EF553B", "Pfizer": "#AB63FA"}, title="Aplicação diária da 1ª dose, em Alagoas", hover_name="nome_fabricante_vacina", hover_data=["nome_fabricante_vacina"]) grafico.show()
Solution 1
You can manually set the width of the bins:
Solution 2
You can pass a parameter called nbins. If you set nbins to the number of days, you’ll get one bar per day. You could try
days = df['data_aplicacao_vacina'].unique().size grafico = px.histogram(df.query('dose_vacina == "1ª Dose"'), x = "data_aplicacao_vacina", y = "doses_totais", color = "nome_fabricante_vacina", color_discrete_map={ "AstraZeneca": "#00CC96", "Coronavac": "#EF553B", "Pfizer": "#AB63FA"}, title="Aplicação diária da 1ª dose, em Alagoas", hover_name="nome_fabricante_vacina", hover_data=["nome_fabricante_vacina"], nbins=days) grafico.show()
See #Choosing the number of bins for reference.