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Why does Python Plotly function with barmode produce an error?

I have been trying to figure this out for a while, so any help would be appreciated.

I am able to run fig_test_reg just fine, but then when I try to run the same parameters through a function I get a ValueError: ValueError: Value of 'pattern_shape' is not the name of a column in 'data_frame'. Expected one of ['Fruit', 'Amount', 'City'] but received: group



why is this happening? how can I run this through a function? what am i missing?



The issue here is in how you are passing function arguments. If you look at the documentation for the .bar() method, you can see the order of keyword arguments:


Inside your function, you are passing parameters as positional arguments, rather than keyword arguments: bar_chart =,x,y,color,barmode). So, your group value that you are trying to pass to the barmode= parameter actually gets passed to the pattern_shape= parameter, as it is located in that fifth position in the function’s signature.

So, to resolve the problem, you can just convert the positional arguments to keyword arguments in your call to the function:

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