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Tag: youtube-dl

how do I skip a private video, with this python code

the Package how do I skip a private video with this code I tried the optons (rejecttitle ignore-errors) I looked at at github for option and i have no access to the video is of a Playlist ERROR: [youtube] FvnQJZnnXXo: Private video. Sign in if you’ve been granted access to this video Output from log,txt Answer I have fixed

How to display the title of the song in the embed?

Here’s my code (The bot answers are in Spanish) I was trying to put the[‘title’] in the embed description but it was an error that said ‘music_cog’ object has no attribute ‘info’: Answer Write song = self.search_yt(query) before the embed initialization and create the embed like this:

Get URL of downloaded video in youtube_dl progress hook

How can I get the URL of a video that I’m downloading using youtube_dl? I can use progress hooks to get other characteristics of the download, like the file path: I also want to get the URL that the file came from. I can’t figure out how to do that. Something like url = response[“url”] would be good, but there

Hide ffmpeg’s console window when running YoutubeDL in GUI application

I’m developing a basic application which can download YouTube videos. Throughout the development, I had several quirks, including issues with formats. I decided to use a hopefully foolproof format syntax that youtube-dl will happily download for me in almost any case. Part of my YoutubeDL options look like this: The outtmpl is inserted later on when output folder is chosen
