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Tag: wrapper

float pointer in ctypes python and pass structure pointer

I’m trying to pass a structure pointer to the API wrapper, Where the struct is containing float pointer member. I’m not sure that how we can pass float pointer value to the structure. /Structure/ /wrapper/ Answer You can either create a c_float instance and initialize with a pointer to that instance, or create a c_float array and pass it, which

Nested python dataclasses with list annotations

python ^3.7. Trying to create nested dataclasses to work with complex json response. I managed to do that with creating dataclass for every level of json and using __post_init_ to set fields as objects of other dataclasses. However that creates a lot of boilerplate code and also, there is no annotation for nested objects. This answer helped me getting closer

Good way to “wrap” the opening and closing of a database around functions in Python?

I’ve looked at a few related questions on StackOverflow and at some documentation/guides regarding wrappers, all of which tells me “no,” but this doesn’t seem right. That said, I’m very new to programming, so 🤷‍♂️ Problem: Opening and closing a database (using python/sqlite3) requires a tedious amount of repeated code (as I understand it): So, I tried to write a
