I have a python game that is being run on wl2 and I would like the display to be in windows. I have tried to use the code below in my python program but it just gets stuck because it is not the correct display. I have also checked out this question but it did not seem to be an
Tag: windows-subsystem-for-linux
Optimizing the workflow for Python development using Docker+WSL2
I use different languages on a daily basis and hate it when my machine gets cluttered with many language specific installations/programs/environments. Therefore I’m currently exploring if using Docker+WSL2 as a runtime for my different projects suffices for keeping my host machine clean without too much overhead. My current workflow at the example of Python: Create Python project on host machine
VSCode on WSL does not have right-click options features, such as find code reference
I am running VSCode on WSL, but unfortunately I lost a lot of functionalities. For example, when I right-click on a function, it only shows: There is no option for example to do code referencing. As comparison, here is the right-click option when I run VSCode on Windows: Any solution? Thanks! Answer You have to reinstall extensions for the WSL
Writing One Shell script to first enter nix shell, then enter the python virtual environment
I want to schedule a job from wsl. The job will need to be run in the nix-shell and then in the python virtual environment under Nix-shell. I try to do this by writing a shell script, run ./enter.sh. However, it doesn’t enter the after I run ./enter.sh. I need to first run the first line, then run the second
No menu for adding WSL python interpreter in PyCharm
I was following this guide from official jetbrains page, until the step 2 comes in the existence. In the picture mentioned in that page, has so many options like ssh, wsl, vagrant, docker, etc. In my pycharm (latest 2019.3.4) it only shows 4 options – venv, conda, pipenv and system-interpreter. There is no WSL menu in the add python interpreter
Can I use Redis installed on Windows Subsystem for Linux with a python app in Windows?
I would like to develop a python application on Windows that will use Redis as a broker for Celery. Is it correct to assume that my application can interact with an instance of Redis that I have installed on the Windows Subsystem for Linux? I have enabled the Windows Subsystem for Linux on Windows 10, and installed Ubuntu and Redis