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Tag: web-scraping

Web Scraping with table that can be changed

I have succesfully managed to set together a script now that extracts some information from a table on this website: Now, I want to do this for all dates of 2021. I suppose I have to use the input id=”data-end-date” and activate some kind of button pusher, but I don’t understand how this can be done theoretically and have

Why is the get_attribute() function in selenium returning an empty string when inspecting the webpage shows the attribute?

I am trying to grab the src attribute from the video tag from this webpage. This shows where I see the video tag when I am inspecting the image. The XPath for the tag in safari is “//*[@id=”player”]/div[2]/div[4]/video” This is my code: Using .text instead og .get_Attribute also returns an empty string. I have to use safari and not chrome

Scraping data through changing Xpaths

I can’t figure out how to scrape data, I am trying to scrape the product name, price and other information from the website, the product names are easy to access as they have similar xpath with only one tag that changes but for the prices the there are multiple changes to the tags.Is there an alternative to how I can
