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Tag: web-scraping

Need help scraping WSJ Markets Data

I am relatively new and trying to use Python to scrape data. Here is my code: I have already added headers, but the output shows no value. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks! Answer The data you’re looking for is loaded from external source via Ajax. You can use next example how to load it with requests module: Prints:

Scraping search results off of Sportchek with Beautiful Soup 4 to find prices

So I’m trying to web scrape search results from Sportchek with BS4, specifically this link “”. I want to get the prices off of the shoes here and put them all into a system to sort it, however, to do this I need to get the prices first and I cannot find a way to do that. In the HTML,

Can’t stratify output based on different headings and their corresponding paragraphs

I’m trying to fetch each heading and their corresponding paragraphs from the html elements below. The results should be stored within a dictionary. Whatever I’ve tried so far produces ludicrously haphazard output. I intentionally did not paste the current output only because of brevity of space. I’ve tried with (producing messy output): Output I wish to get: Answer Tricky problem.

Google Earth scraping using python selenium

I want to create a web scraper for Whenever the user clicks while holding shift button, the script will print the coordinates which are displayed at the bottom right corner of the google earth web page. I am using selenium with chromedriver but it cannot find the coordinates web element. I have tried css selector, xpath, full x-path, find
