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Tag: visual-studio-code

Jupyter Notebook in VS Code is not working

I’m using Ubuntu, installed Vs Code and anaconda. I’ve also installed python extension in VS Code, which brings Jupyter Notebook extension. Now, whenever I’m trying to run code from the Jupyter extension, its throwing error as if it requires ipykernel. Now, my conda ‘base’ environment has already ipykernel. Why cant Jupyter extension look for ipykernel from the current activated environment?

With python’s selenium package, Why Chromedriver starts to display video instead of downloading when click on a tag?

Operating System: Windows 10, 64 bit Editor: VSCode 1.55 Python: 3.9.0 selenium: 3.141.0 I want Chromedriver to start downloading the video when I click on a tag. But instead, it opens a new tab and starts to display the video. The site that I’m trying to download from: here is my code if needed: I will appreciate for any

ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found in VS code Jupyter notebook with anaconda environment

I have anaconda installed and I have changed the interpreter on the top right to my anaconda environment. When imported a library I am getting the following error I have added the following variables in PATH I have added the following variables in Preferences:Settings(JSON) None of the solutions worked. Answer Posting the answer if anyone is stuck on the same

Unresolved import in VSCode for Python

Trying to run a flask hello world program The Error: I have done Ctrl-Shift-P to select a Python interpreter but that did not seem to work. The pip list seems to show flask so I am not sure why my import is not working. These are the settings from pyenv.cfg Answer The reason is that the python environment used by

Unresolved imports in VSCode Python

While programming in VSCode, Python I imported a module named Selenium. However, VS Code is Showing me an error, saying unresolved import selenium. I had installed selenium yesterday only using the pip command. Please do help me out Answer It is recommended that you use the command “python –version”(or python3 –version) in the VS Code terminal to check whether the
