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Tag: url

Python found URL is invalid

Hi there I have following Problem: I extracted a list of URL’s from a .txt file with Python using this: And the Output contains for some files following: PROBLEM IS: as you see it printed out “#038;” I’m thinking that translates into “&” but there is already a “&” infront of that and if I follow the Link its invalid.

Importing data from URL using Python (into pandas dataframe)?

I’ve gone around in circles on this one. A bit frustrating as the solution is probably close at hand. Anyway, I found a URL that returns some data in CSV format. However, the URL itself does not contain the csv file name. In a web browser, I can easily go to the link and them I’m asked whether I want

Getting ‘wrong’ page source when calling url from python

Trying to retrieve the page source from a website, I get a completely different (and shorter) text than when viewing the same page source through a web browser. This fellow has a related issue, but obtained the home page source instead of the requested one – I am getting something completely alien. The code is: This is the page

Django REST Framework and FileField absolute url

I’ve defined a simple Django app that includes the following model: (Technically yes, that could have been an ImageField.) In a template, it’s easy enough to include the MEDIA_URL value (duly coded in as a prefix to the thumbnail URL. The following works fine: Using DRF, I’ve defined a HyperlinkedModelSerializer descendant called ProjectSerializer: And I’ve defined a very straightforward

URL query parameters to dict python

Is there a way to parse a URL (with some python library) and return a python dictionary with the keys and values of a query parameters part of the URL? For example: expected return: Answer Use the urllib.parse library: The urllib.parse.parse_qs() and urllib.parse.parse_qsl() methods parse out query strings, taking into account that keys can occur more than once and that
