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Tag: unicode

How to solve UnicodeDecodeError in Python 3.6?

I am switched from Python 2.7 to Python 3.6. I have scripts that deal with some non-English content. I usually run scripts via Cron and also in Terminal. I had UnicodeDecodeError in my Python 2.7 scripts and I solved by this. Now in Python 3.6, it doesnt work. I have print statements like print(“Here %s” % (myvar)) and it throws

Python – Difference Between Windows SystemParametersInfoW vs SystemParametersInfoA Function

I have a quick question that I cannot seem to clarify, despite my research on Stack Overflow and beyond. My questions involves the Windows SystemParametersInfo function with its variants SystemParametersInfoW (Unicode) and SystemParametersInfoA (ANSI) in relation to a Python 3.x script. In a Python script I am writing, I came across two different explanations into when to use these variants.

List of unicode character names

In Python I can print a unicode character by name (e.g. print(u’N{snowman}’)). Is there a way I get get a list of all valid names? Answer Every codepoint has a name, so you are effectively asking for the Unicode standard list of codepoint names (as well as the *list of name aliases, supported by Python 3.3 and up). Each Python

python urllib2 and unicode

I would like to collect information from the results given by a search engine. But I can only write text instead of unicode in the query part. give this error Answer Encode the Unicode data to UTF-8, then URL-encode: Demo: Using urllib.urlencode() to build the parameters is easier, but you can also just escape the query value with urllib.quote_plus():

Use isinstance to test for Unicode string

How can I do something like: But I would like isinstance to return True for this Unicode encoded string. Is there a Unicode string object type? Answer Test for str: or, if you must handle bytestrings, test for bytes separately: The two types are deliberately not exchangible; use explicit encoding (for str -> bytes) and decoding (bytes -> str) to

Python Requests and Unicode

I am using the requests library to query the Diffbot API to get contents of an article from a web page url. When I visit a request URL that I create in my browser, it returns a JSON object with the text in Unicode (right?) for example (I shortended the text somewhat): {“icon”:””,”text”:”CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (CNNMéxico) u2014 Kassandra Guazo Cano

Convert ASCII chars to Unicode FULLWIDTH latin letters in Python?

Can you easily convert between ASCII characters and their Asian full-width Unicode wide characters? Like: to Answer Those “wide” characters are named FULLWIDTH LATIN LETTER: They have range 0xFF00 – -0xFFEF. You can make look-up table or just add 0xFEE0 to ASCII code.
