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Tag: text-processing

Python re.findall regex and text processing

I’m looking to find and modify some sql syntax around the convert function. I want basically any convert(A,B) or CONVERT(A,B) in all my files to be selected and converted to B::A. So far I tried selecting them with re.findall(r”bconvertb(.*?,.*)”, l, re.IGNORECASE) But it’s only returning a small selection out of what I want and I also have trouble actually manipulating

What is Keras’ Tokenizer fit_on_sequences used for?

I’m familiar with the method ‘fit_on_texts’ from the Keras’ Tokenizer. What does ‘fit_on_sequences’ do and when is it useful? According to the documentation, it “Updates internal vocabulary based on a list of sequences.”, and it takes as input: ‘A list of sequence. A “sequence” is a list of integer word indices.’. When is this useful? For fitting on texts, I

How can I loop through blocks of lines in a file?

I have a text file that looks like this, with blocks of lines separated by blank lines: How can I loop through the blocks and process the data in each block? eventually I want to gather the name, family name and age values into three columns, like so: Answer Here’s another way, using itertools.groupby. The function groupy iterates through lines
