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Tag: subprocess

Pexpect inserts ‘/r/n’ into sendline()

I am using pexpect to automate running a C program in a zsh terminal on Ubuntu 20.04. The program in question is a spectrum convertor: I have this installed and in my path. I can not run ‘spec_conv’ in my terminal and the program runs correctly. When the program starts there is an initial set of options (0-9). I

Unable to use subprocess in my colab python code

as part of a project I am doing wity Yolov4, I am trying to test multiple images with learned weights and copy the resulting images with added bounding boxes to my google drive. The following is the code I am running on colab. It just isn’t working, and there is no log messages to debug. Please not if I run

python: subprocess returns nothing when running scripts which take longer time

Beginner here with subrpocess problem: The below line works fine when I run both the scripts with less data which takes around 10-20minutes, however with bigger data to be processed the subprocess returns nothing once both the scripts are completed (lets say in an hour). Also: Often with lesser data, it behaves abnormally as well i.e. not returning the status_code/going

FFMPEG concat leaves audio gapes between clips

I’m writing a python script that uses subprocess to invoke FFMPEG, not using pyffmpeg. My script generates a variable number of MP4 files using the AAC audio codec, and concatenates them together using FFMPEG. Here is how I’m constructing each clip: The command I’m using to concatenate them is: I then take that resulting video, and mix a looping audio
