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Tag: string

FutureWarning: The default value of regex will change from True to False in a future version

I’m running below code to clean text Then it returns a warning Could you please elaborate on the reason of this warning? Answer See Pandas 1.2.0 release notes: The default value of regex for Series.str.replace() will change from True to False in a future release. In addition, single character regular expressions will not be treated as literal strings when regex=True

Python string replace containing “”

I would like to convert a string temp.filename.txt to temp.filename.txt using python Tried string replace method but the output is not as expected Answer is a special character, which is represented as \, this doesn’t mean your string actually contains 2 characters. (as suggested by @saipy, if you print your string, only single should show up…)

What’s the difference between assigning a string value within and without parentheses for a variable in Python 3?

vs As far as I have tested, both get interpreted with the same output. I’ve just started to learn python and wondering if those parentheses have any impact. Answer Both the implementations are same. Output: <class ‘str’> Output: <class ‘str’> Adding parenthesis to a string don’t automatically make them tuples. You need to add a comma after the string to

How could I insert backslash into this python string?

I have a list of strings which looks like this: B = [‘ _ ‘, ‘|_’, ‘|_/’] (if you put these strings on top of each other you get the character B). So I have this list of strings but Visual Studio Code says that this string literal is not terminated… I assume it means the second element in the

octal to string – trouble

I just cannot seem to understand the solution to this problem given in an online course. I found the actual code that solves it, but I still don’t understand it. Could anyone explain to me a bit more in detail why this does what it does? I would be extremely grateful. The permissions of a file in a Linux system
