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Tag: string-formatting

Think Python 2nd Edition Exercise 7-1

“Square Roots” loop: Copy the loop from “Square Roots” and encapsulate it in a function called mysqrt that takes a as a parameter, chooses a reasonable value of x, and returns an estimate of the square root of a. To test it, write a function named test_square_root that prints a table like this: Here’s what I wrote: Here’s what I

Why round off of 0.500000 in python differs from 45.500000 using ‘%.0f’?

Recently, I learned art of string formatting in Python 2.7. I decided to play with floating point numbers. Came across an awkward looking solution, as written below. BUT Please help me understand, why this behavior is shown by %f. Answer The internal implementation for the %.0f string format uses a round-half-even rounding mode. In Python 2, the round() function uses

format strings and named arguments in Python

Case 1: It will give KeyError: ‘arg1′ because I didn’t pass the named arguments. Case 2: Now it will work properly because I passed the named arguments. And it prints ’10 20’ Case 3: And, If I pass wrong name it will show KeyError: ‘arg1’ But, Case 4: If I pass the named arguments in wrong order It works… and
