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Tag: floating-point

How to disable python rounding?

I’m looking for a way to disable this: print(0+1e-20) returns 1e-20, but print(1+1e-20) returns 1.0 I want it to return something like 1+1e-20. I need it because of this problem: returns f1 is the original function, f2 is f1 shifted by 1 to the left and f3 is f2 moved back by 1 to the right. By this logic, f1

Exctract a value from a Json file(python)

Hi i’m not an expert and this problem kept me stuck for such a long time I hope that someone here can help me i would like to exctract the value “interestExpense” from the following json file: In this case the result should be -130000000 as a string but i m trying to find a way to create an list(or

Trying to find averages from a .txt but I keep getting ValueError: could not convert string to float: ”

I’m using the txt file: I’m running the script: And I ALWAYS get the error: ValueError: could not convert string to float: ” I’m pretty new-ish to Python and I’m really not sure what I’m doing wrong here. I’m trying to get averages for New York and San Francisco, then export the results AND the comparison to a txt

How is python’s float.__eq__ implemented in the language?

I know that the best way to compare two floats for equality is usually to use math.isclose(float_a, float_b). But I was curious to know how python does it if you simply do float_a == float_b. I suppose it’s implemented in C, but what is the logic behind it ? Answer Here is the source code for float object comparisons Essentially.
