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Tag: stacked-chart

Display order of a stacked line chart

I am using stacked line plots that sometimes have 0 values, and the default plot puts the color of the zero line on top of the actual increasing line. Is there any way to swap the zorder of a stacked line plot? Please see the below simple example: pd.DataFrame([[0,1,1],[1,0,2],[1,0,1],[2,0,3]],columns=[“A”,”B”,”C”]).plot(stacked=True) Answer I found a solution to this problem for myself by

How to create grouped and stacked bars

I have a very huge dataset with a lot of subsidiaries serving three customer groups in various countries, something like this (in reality there are much more subsidiaries and dates): I’d like to make an analysis per subsidiary by producing a stacked bar chart. To do this, I started by defining the x-axis to be the unique months and by
