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Tag: sqlalchemy

why UniqueConstraint doesn’t work in flask_sqlalchemy

I want an alternative of Django’s unique_together in flask, seems UniqueConstraint is what I’m looking for, but doesn’t work for me. here is the example: Test it: I also tried with: not work either, what’s wrong with it? Answer An instance of UniqueConstraint is iterable and in this case seems to stop iteration immediately, so results in an empty tuple,

sqlalchemy dynamic filtering

I’m trying to implement dynamic filtering using SQLAlchemy ORM. I was looking through StackOverflow and found very similar question:SQLALchemy dynamic filter_by It’s useful for me, but not enough. So, here is some example of code, I’m trying to write: then I’m trying to reuse it with something very similar: After the second run, there are some issues: When I’m trying

has no attribute validate_on_submit: How to use wtforms-alchemy’s ModelForm in a flask handler / view

I’m trying to switch from wtforms.ext.sqlalchemy.orm import model_form to using wtforms_alchemy ModelForm: I’m failing miserably… and I’ve been unsuccessful searching for a working example of that uses wtforms_alchemy which shows both the handler and the model. Using model_form works for me: Here’s my working code using model forms: The model script (python): The handler script (python, flask, model_form): The template

pandas to_sql all columns as nvarchar

I have a pandas dataframe that is dynamically created with columns names that vary. I’m trying to push them to sql, but don’t want them to go to mssqlserver as the default datatype “text” (can anyone explain why this is the default? Wouldn’t it make sense to use a more common datatype?) Does anyone know how I can specify a

Write Large Pandas DataFrames to SQL Server database

I have 74 relatively large Pandas DataFrames (About 34,600 rows and 8 columns) that I am trying to insert into a SQL Server database as quickly as possible. After doing some research, I learned that the good ole pandas.to_sql function is not good for such large inserts into a SQL Server database, which was the initial approach that I took
