I hope to use IBM speech recognition service without – curl or ibm_watson module. And my attempt is below: Even though, I have ‘Service credentials’ for IBM cloud – speech to text, I cannot find correct form for the function. In the documents of recognize_ibm(), it is said that I need to enter the link_1 to find my username in
Tag: speech-to-text
why is my speech recognition not working in python
I am working on this project and its simply a desktop Assistant I am using speech recognition and pyttsx3 but the speech recognition is not working after the try nothing is executing it just jumps to except and passes can someone tell me why? and how I can fix it edit: I tried to install pyaudio but it won’t let
Why does Keras.preprocessing.sequence pad_sequences process characters instead of words?
I’m working on transcribing speech to text and ran into an issue (I think) when using pad_sequences in Keras. I pretrained a model which used pad_sequences on a dataframe and it fit the data into an array with the same number of columns & rows for each value. However when I used pad_sequences on transcribing text, the number of characters
Pyttsx isn’t showing installed languages on windows 10
I am trying to use pyttsx3 to say French text. However, only English is available. Following the advice of How to change the voice in pyttsx3?, I tried to install the French speech pack as explained here https://support.office.com/en-us/article/how-to-download-text-to-speech-languages-for-windows-10-d5a6b612-b3ae-423f-afa5-4f6caf1ec5d3. I restarted my computer and now have the French speech to text module installed and available under the “voice” menu in the