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Tag: spectrogram

Define correct scipy.signal.spectrogram input parameters

I have the following code: which is giving me the following plot: What is the correct way to define the correct parameters, namely: nperseg, nfft and noverlap to obtain a correct and smooth plot? Thank you! Plot of the input signal: Answer I was able to solve this issue by normalising the input signal and doing:

Librosa – Audio Spectrogram/Frequency Bins to Spectrum

I’ve read around for several days but haven’t been to find a solution… I’m able to build Librosa spectrograms and extract amplitude/frequency data using the following: However, I cannot turn the data in D and freq_bins back into a spectrum. Once I am able to do this I can convert the new spectrum into a .wav file and listen to

Scipy.signal.spectrogram output lengths

I am trying to analyze the frequencies of a song at certain points of time held inside an array. I am using the scipy.signal.spectrogram function to generate those frequencies. the length of the song is 2:44, or 164 seconds, and the sampling rate of the scipy.wavfile read is 44100. When I use spectrogram: The length of f is really small,
