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Tag: smtplib

How to send a complete email using smtplib python

I am trying to send an email using Python smtplib. My objective is to include the below info in email Attachment file #works fine Paste the contents of a table in message body #works fine Write a few lines about the table (as text) in message body # not works. instead stores as an attachment So, I tried the below

ValueError: There may be at most 1 To headers in a message

I am trying to write a very basic email sending script. Here is my code .. the script should send mail to multiple recipients so, I need to change the msg[‘To’] field when iterating through loop But I get the following error in traceback bellow. How do I solve ? Please help. Thank you.. Answer Clean the ‘To’ property of

SMTPAuthenticationError 5.7.14 Please logn5.7.14 in via your web browser

I have a script which sends periodically reports to a list of recipients. Everything worked fine until today 4 am, when I checked my inbox and the reports didn’t come. By debugging the code: I receive the following (old known) result: (250, b’ at your service, [SERVERIP]nSIZE 35882577n8BITMIMEnSTARTTLSnENHANCEDSTATUSCODESnPIPELININGnCHUNKINGnSMTPUTF8′) (220, b’2.0.0 Ready to start TLS’) (250, b’ at your service, [SERVERIP]nSIZE

Django: Gmail SMTP error: please run connect() first

I am trying to send mail when a certain query is executed. But I am getting error in the connection. I have tried the following settings in my file I have executed the following command to send the email: But whenever I run the above code I get ‘please run connect() first’ error. What is the error Exactly about
