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Tag: slice

Conditionally merge lines in text file

I’ve a text file full of common misspellings and their corrections. All misspellings, of the same intended word, should be on the same line. I do have this somewhat done, but not for all misspellings of the same word. misspellings_corpus.txt (snippet): Desired: template: wrong1, wrong2, wrongN->correct Attempt: Answer Store the correct spelling of your words as keys of a dictionary

DICOM slicing orders in python

I have a question about slices ordering: I have about 80 pictures of hip joint but there are not arranged from feet to head or head to feet. Is there any way to arrange them in an intended order? SOP Class UID is CT Image Storage. This is the code and These are the pictures of results. Answer slices =

Is it possible to unpack values from list to slice?

I’m trying to use values in list to select part of word. Here is working solution: but I wonder if is it possible to shorten it? Something like this comes to my mind: It produces: Answer You can use the built-in slice (and need to name your list differently to be able to access the built-in):

Skip every nth index of numpy array

In order to do K-fold validation I would like to use slice a numpy array such that a view of the original array is made but with every nth element removed. For example: If n = 4 then the result would be Note: the numpy requirement is due to this being used for a machine learning assignment where the dependencies
