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Tag: selenium

Python and Selenium – Pick value from dropdown list

Trying to pick value in the dropwdown list as shown in picture – Dresses Dropdown IMAGE with open HTML By this line i’m able to click and expand the dropdown After i expand the dropdown list i tried to pick xPath/CSS selector for Dresses but nothing works How i copy the Selector Answer Induce WebDriverWait() and element_to_be_clickable() and click on

python selenium cannot locate clickable play button on mobile version of webpage

I am having a hard time locating the play element on a mobile version of a webpage (my python script is passing a mobile user-agent in the header.) the website url is below (NOTE: must be accessed with a mobile user-agent else it won’t show the correct page and reverts to standard browser page instead) Using inspect in the

Web scraping Trulia with Pythons Selenium

I am trying to webscrape the trulia estimate for a given address. Although some addresses do not have a trulia estimate. So I want to first try to find the text ‘Trulia estimate’ and if it is found then I will try to find the value. At the moment I cannot figure out how to find the Trulia Estimate text

How to click a button on a website by finding its id

When I run the code, the website loads up fine but then it won’t click on the button- an error appears saying the element is not interacterble. What do I need to do to click the button? I am relatively new to this and would be grateful for any help. I have already tried finding it by id and tag.
