I want to check if a browser opened with Selenium is still open. I would need this check for closing a program. If the browser is not open, then the GUI should be destroyed without a message (tk.messagebox) coming. But if the browser is open, then the message should come as soon as the function is activated. Here is the
Tag: selenium
How can I get the tooltip text from a website using selenium and python where the text comes from a javascript
I am trying to get the tooltip text that shows when I hover over how long ago the game was played https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/eune/AnFrey99 ]1 In the html code it doesn’t shows the text and I figure it comes from a javascript and each rows has a script inside the tr tag, but so far I was not able to get the
Finding the ‘Sign in’ button on a webpage using Selenium
I’m new to Selenium and I’m trying to automate a login task on this webpage using Chrome. I’ve been successful in finding and sending keys to the email and password fields. However I’m unable to click the ‘Sign in’ button. The inspect element yields the following, I’ve tried using which yielded in an error since there’s no name field. I’ve
How do I select this dropdown button in Selenium?
I have this html : This is a dropdown that has a few options. When the button is clicked, it collapses the dropdown selection and the divs appear(there are more divs for various data formats which i haven’t added here for simplicity). I have tried a few things in order to click the button with the csv data format, but
How to scroll at the end of a page with finite number of load ? Selenium – Python
I would like to scroll until the end of a page like : https://fr.finance.yahoo.com/quote/GM/history?period1=1290038400&period2=1612742400&interval=1d&filter=history&frequency=1d&includeAdjustedClose=true The fact is using this : does not work. yes it should work for pages with infinite loads but doesn’t work for yahoo finance, which has a finite number of loads but the condition should break when it reachs the end. So I’m quite confuse at
Selenium – can not find element in headless mode
When I run my selenium program normally it works, but when I turn on the headless mode it does not find an element. I am using these driver options: I am working in python. I added those options in between because someone said that it would help, but it does not. Answer When I change the device name form Pixel
Using selenium to click a button
For clicking a button with the following HTML code: I have tried multiple ways to click/ access this button but to no success, for example: I am not really sure what the issue is here – for all other button presses on this webpage – selenium has been working appropriately. What other ways can I try? Answer escape the single
clicking not working after pass text file in python selenium xpath for dropdown menu
I have a text file which contains all text for an dropdown list. I am trying to select text from the dropdown list those only exist in my text file. I tried this but didn’t work error massage: Answer You are missing the quotes defining the text (surrounding {y}) in your xpath. Try the following.
handle popups in selenium python
I am currently working on a project where I am automating whatsapp messages through url. like this https://wa.me/number_here whenever i do it normally everything goes fine, but when I try to automate this a whatsapp popup box appears and blocks everything, I mean everything, no right-click no developer options, that is why i cant get the x path of the
Problem with looping over XPaths selenium
I’m trying to collect news articles off yahoo finance using selenium. I got it to work with 1 article, but when I try looping over the different articles it doesn’t make the click. The reason I have the second ‘except’ ‘continue’ is because there are ads in between the articles which I don’t want to click. The structure of the