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Tag: selenium-webdriver

AttributeError: ‘WebElement’ object has no attribute ‘select_by_value’ selecting dropdown menu using Selenium

I am trying to find menu prices for certain fast food restaurants from this website by different state. There is a dropdown menu where different states are the options. After I select a state (for example, California), I want to web scrape the different prices of their Ice Cream. However, I keep getting the same error message preventing me from

Extract href by class Selenium Python

Im trying to get all hrefs that are found the a specific class next to them. Im not really familiar with HTML so I’m having some trouble. Basically the HTML code in inspect is: I’m using the find_elements command to find all lines that include the class “notranslate _0imsa ” like this: I then extract all hrefs from “links” with

Selenium Select the exact date from Datepciker

This is continuation of this question asked earlier Earlier question I am able to select the date but the problem arises in below scenarios when there is some dates like I tried using XPath not contains but I am getting more than 1 element identified. below is my code I want to select only the dates which are below how

Could not get version for google-chrome with the command: powershell “$ErrorActionPreference=’silentlycontinue’ using WebDriver manager and Selenium

I’m trying to create a script using python that separate 2 kind of websites , the one with SPF included and the others with SPF , and classify them using python, so in the beginning it worked perfectly but these daysit gives me a message error that I don’t find a clue about it The output message is as follows:
