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Tag: scipy-optimize-minimize

How to hide `delta_grad == 0.0` warning in scipy.optimize.minimize?

I have a loop that executes several hundred optimizations using scipy.optimize.minimize. Unfortunately, I keep getting this annoying warning: Because I am running hundreds of optimizations, this warning shows up dozens and dozens of times during the loop, and it just clutters the console and obscures the rest of my program’s output. Is there a way to either Check if this

Problem in linear constraints of scipy. All the elements of population is getting rejected

I am using scipy differential evolution. I have to set the following linear constraints. 0<x1+x2+x3+x4<=1. x2+x3=1. I have set the following matrix A=[0 1 1 0] B=[1]. linear_constraint = LinearConstraint(A,B,B,True). i have also set lower and upper bound to 0 and1. However, during each iteration, the output of the objective function is InF, whereas the differential evolution is not calling
