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Tag: differential-evolution

Problem in linear constraints of scipy. All the elements of population is getting rejected

I am using scipy differential evolution. I have to set the following linear constraints. 0<x1+x2+x3+x4<=1. x2+x3=1. I have set the following matrix A=[0 1 1 0] B=[1]. linear_constraint = LinearConstraint(A,B,B,True). i have also set lower and upper bound to 0 and1. However, during each iteration, the output of the objective function is InF, whereas the differential evolution is not calling

What are ‘population energies’?

In scipy.optimize.differential_evolution, the convergence criteria are that: This begs the question, what are ‘population energies’ please? This could be a follow up question to: Explain the intuition for the tol paramer in scipy differential evolution I tried looking in the code, but I got: So a follow up question would be what does that do please? Answer As you wrote
