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Tag: redirect

Flask redirect without url params

I have 2 flask app, client and server respectively And I wanna download some files from server by redirecting user directly to the server So basically I want redirect to this route: So I’m write client like this: I wanna get url like: http://ipAddress/api/1.0/conf/myGreatToken But get: http://ipAddress/api/1.0/conf/%7B’token’:%20’myGreatToken’%7D And this doesn’t work. How to redirect without params? Answer It seems like

How to Redirect URLs to a certain URL Django Regex

In my, I’m setting my URL like this Navigating to localhost:8000/mobile works as expected but if typed in the URL: localhost:8000/mobile/hello/world/234234hjhf8sc3 it should redirect to localhost:8000/mobile however this does not happen because my regex is incorrect (I’m not sure) How could I do this/what is the correct regex to do this? Another example would be localhost:8000/mobile/send/help/as792lp should redirect to

redirecting screen output from python logging to a file

How can I redirect the output of python logging statements to a file at run time using redirection? I am using python 3.7 in Debian. When I redirect the output from a python script containing a print statement to a file, I get the expected result – a file containing the output. If I use logging.debug to create the screen

Python. Redirect stdout to a socket

I run my script on computer “A”. Then I connect to computer “A” from computer “B” through my script. I send my message to computer “A” and my script runs it with an exec() instruction. I want to see the result of executing my message on computer “A”, through a socket on computer “B”. I tried to change sys.stdout =
