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Tag: range

Python dynamic for loop range size

I’m trying to add Link argument to ini file by using python. Example of ini file: I need to do like this: My for loop: My code works, but it does not add Link for last tags. I’ve found why. If I add in range(len(m)+100): Then code adds all Links. Looks like len(m) is old value (static?), because I’m increasing

I get a IndexError: list index out of range Error

I´m having some troubles on my code, that implements a function that verifies the lenght of a string and return that string with or without spaces. If String b >= 15 return b If strinf < 15 return “number os spaces until len(b)2 + string b But I get a IndexError: list index out of range Error. I cannot figure

How to select range with input user in list

I want to select a range between elements in a list, but instead of putting, for example, item 7, I put what I’m seeing in elements. The number between ‘document’ and ‘35621’ changes, I need to convert these numbers to a range (I think?) I don’t really know how to make this. For example, in my list I have: I

Python, converting a list of indices to slices

So I have a list of indices, and want to convert it to this, this will run on a large number of indices. Also, this technically isn’t for slices in python, the tool I am working with is faster when given a range compared to when given the individual ids. The pattern is based on being in a range, like

Print a list in reverse order with range()?

How can you produce the following list with range() in Python? Answer use reversed() function: It’s much more meaningful. Update: If you want it to be a list (as btk pointed out): Update: If you want to use only range to achieve the same result, you can use all its parameters. range(start, stop, step) For example, to generate a list
