I have over 1000 rows imported via an xml file in python and I want to print every second row, starting at the first, to the 20th row from three selected tabs/columns but I can’t figure out how to put the range function into the print function of an xml file. See sample code below: ##importing xml file using element
Tag: range
Python dynamic for loop range size
I’m trying to add Link argument to ini file by using python. Example of ini file: I need to do like this: My for loop: My code works, but it does not add Link for last tags. I’ve found why. If I add in range(len(m)+100): Then code adds all Links. Looks like len(m) is old value (static?), because I’m increasing
I get a IndexError: list index out of range Error
I´m having some troubles on my code, that implements a function that verifies the lenght of a string and return that string with or without spaces. If String b >= 15 return b If strinf < 15 return “number os spaces until len(b)2 + string b But I get a IndexError: list index out of range Error. I cannot figure
How to select range with input user in list
I want to select a range between elements in a list, but instead of putting, for example, item 7, I put what I’m seeing in elements. The number between ‘document’ and ‘35621’ changes, I need to convert these numbers to a range (I think?) I don’t really know how to make this. For example, in my list I have: I
Changing the value of range during iteration in Python
Above the is the code which prints numbers from 0-7 if I use just print i in the for loop. I want to understand the above code how it is working, and is there any way we can update the value of variable used in range(variable) so it iterates differently. Also why it always iterates up to the initial k
Convert range(r) to list of strings of length 2 in python
I just want to change a list (that I make using range(r)) to a list of strings, but if the length of the string is 1, tack a 0 on the front. I know how to turn the list into strings using but I want to be able to also change the length of those strings. Input: Output: And if
Python, converting a list of indices to slices
So I have a list of indices, and want to convert it to this, this will run on a large number of indices. Also, this technically isn’t for slices in python, the tool I am working with is faster when given a range compared to when given the individual ids. The pattern is based on being in a range, like
Print a list in reverse order with range()?
How can you produce the following list with range() in Python? Answer use reversed() function: It’s much more meaningful. Update: If you want it to be a list (as btk pointed out): Update: If you want to use only range to achieve the same result, you can use all its parameters. range(start, stop, step) For example, to generate a list