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Tag: random

How to lightly shuffle a list in python

I have this issue where I would like to shuffle a list, but only do so slightly. Say, I want only a small number of elements to be moved. Is there a simple way to get this done? Right now the best I can think of is building my own method be hand, but is there some way to use

Create a matrix with np.random.normal

I need to create an nxn matrix in which the numbers in the cells are distributed following a Gaussian distribution. This code may not go well because it fills a cell with a sequence. how can I do? Answer Edited for border of zeros np.random.normal takes a size keyword argument. You can use it like this:

Using random and shutil to move files in loop in python

I have a small problem. I am trying to move 20×500 images in 20 predefined folders. I can make this work with just 500 random images and I have identified the problem; I draw 500 random files, move them and then it tries doing it again but since it doesn’t update the random list, it fails when it reaches an

Python random.choice same output

I’m trying to random some strings in a variable, And when I’m running my script all of them are the same every time, I like to random my variable every time I’m calling it, like, Answer This is basically the same as A variables value only changes when you assign it: If you want a new random value, you need

Is numpy.random.choice with replacement equivalent to multinomial sampling for a single trial?

I understand that strictly on concept, they are different. But in a single trial (or experiment) for numpy.random.multinomial, is it sampling the same way as numpy.random.choice though giving a different view of the output? For example: Output gives the identity of what was picked in the array [0,1,2,3,4,5] and Output gives the number of times each choice was picked, but
