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Tag: qmainwindow

Trying to split a main window into two in Python

I’m learning Python by trying to build a simple plotting application and would like to have two windows in my main screen. I’m using the QSplitter module but am having no luck so far. I’d like the left portion to be used for inputting information via lineEdit() (for now) and the right to show the plot. So far I have

Create a dependent window?

I want to create a secondary window which is free-floating in relation to the main window. But I also want it to close when the main window closes. Indeed, I want the application to end completely when the main window closes, and assumed this would be default behaviour. MRE: As the code is, closing the main window does not close

Qt Framework, PyQt5 and AttributeError: ‘MyApp’ object has no attribute ‘myAttribute’

Last week I started to learn Python and I developed some command line apps. Now I would like to develop apps with GUI. I searched in internet and I found a project that fits my needs: Qt Project ( and PyQt ( I installed Qt 5.3.2 Open Source, SIP 4.16.4, PyQt5 5.3.2 on Mac OS X 10.10 and python 2.7.6.
