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Tag: python

Python Web browser click listener

Is there any packages or ways to detect what is being clicking in a web browser? I mean get tag/xpath from the web browser (of what is being clicked)? To afterwards find it via selenium or similar? Or even with to determine what it is with the coordinates of the mouse click. Like the codegen in Playwright or similar, like

Python convert switch data (text) to dict

I have the following data, which I recieve via a ssh session to a switch. I wish to convert the input which is text to a dict for easy access and the possiblity to monitor certain values. I cannot get the data extracted without a ton of splits and regexes and still get stuck. Which I want to convert to:

How do I save scraped data to a MySQL database?

I have a python script that scrapes data from a job website. I want to save these scraped data to MySQL database but after writing the code, it connects to the database. Now after connecting, it doesn’t create table and as result couldn’t insert those data into the table. Please i need my code to store these scraped data to

how to store arrays inside tuple in Python?

I have a simple question in python. How can I store arrays inside a tuple in Python. For example: I want the output of my code to be like this: So I want (0, 1) to be repeated for a specific number of times inside a tuple! I have tried to use the following code to loop over a tuple:

The shuffling order of DataLoader in pytorch

I am really confused about the shuffle order of DataLoader in pytorch. Supposed I have a dataset: In scenario I, the code is: the shuffling result is 0,4,2,3,1. In scenario II, the code is: the shuffling result is 1,3,4,0,2. In scenario III, the code is: the shuffling result is 4,1,3,0,2. Can someone explain what is going on here? Answer Based

I cannot pass a parameter inside a function to another function (Python)

I successfully defined a parameter and passed it to a function but when I return to main menu that parameter’s value is completely reset and I cannot use it anywhere. The value of the parameter stays only within the second function. Like, the parameter cannot communicate with the whole program as far as I understand. For this project’s sake, I

do i need to use exactly same attribute names to properties in custom preprocessing class which inherit scikit learn BaseEstimator?

when writing custom classes inherit from BaseEstimator of the sklearn throwing AttributeError: object has no attribute . but that attribute is present and has values. print(null) execute or null. then it throws the above attribute error. traceback shows that this error happens in getattr() in sklearn base. I found that this is caused by attributes that assign to different property

Cholesky factorisation not lower triangular

I am building a cholesky factorisation algorthim as proposed from the book: Linear Algebra and Optimisation for Machine Learning They provide the following algorthim: I have attempted this with python with the following algorithm: When testing this on a matrix I get upper triangular as opposed to lower triangular. Where was I mistaken? Answer You don’t even need to look

customize html table of pytest with docstring of the test

I have a pytest test function as below. I’d like to print this test_mytest.docstring in the html report as a column between test and duration columns. I could gather that the pytest_runtest_makereport() pytest.mark.hookwrapper could help. Is there any code snippets that I can use as a reference to make the modification Answer Fortunately the exact example is mention in the
