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Tag: python-3.x

How to search and get rid of this character?

I have a lot of strings in a text file, and I noticed that one has this <200f> char. I want to find all entries that have this char and remove it. But in Vim I can’t find it by searching ‘<200f>’ using the search string ‘<200f>’. Probably it is one char not 6 individual chars. In Python or VIM,

django custom Func for specific SQL function

I’m currently performing a raw query in my database because i use the MySQL function instr. I would like to translate is into a django Func class.I’ve spend several days reading the docs, Django custom for complex Func (sql function) and Annotate SQL Function to Django ORM Queryset `FUNC` / `AGGREGATE` but i still fail to write succesfully my custom

Python/Pandas searching data in Dataframe

I want to explain my question with an example. I have a dataset which includes avocado average prices and many features about these prices(I guess avocado prices dataset is very popular, idk). And there is a feature called “region” that shows where avocadoes grew. I wrote this line of code to get to avocados feature which grews on “west”. my

comparing numpy arrays with np.allclose()

I am new to Python. I cannot understand the behavior of the following code (I am trying to create a unit test for something): This code prints: Why when I print arrays their values are equal, but then I print their last items they are different? If the values are actually different, why is_equal2 is True? If the values are

File on Python (os.startfile) can’t be opend

I have a file in which search results (paths) are saved. I only want the very first result to be opend. I did this with: The print result is: O:/111/222/’ But the error is: FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] system cannot find the file specified: O:/111/222/’ An addition: O: Is a drive on the network I tried also to replace the slashes

Python: Reassigning Object to Class with No Constructor Does Not Overwrite Dictionary Field

I’m using Python 3.9.1 and am confused how Python’s default constructor works. I have the below class with a Dictionary field and no Constructor. When I populate its Dictionary and then reassign my object to a new instance, the dictionary retains its existing value (this also happens for List fields): However, when I add a constructor, it works as expected:
