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Tag: python-3.x

Invoking a constructor in a ‘with’ statement

I have the following code: Running it produces the following output: But I expected it to produce: Why isn’t the code within my first example called? Answer The __enter__ method should return the context object. with … as … uses the return value of __enter__ to determine what object to give you. Since your __enter__ returns nothing, it implicitly returns

Using rstrip() and lstrip() to remove 1st and last underscore character “_” withinin a string leads to a loss of character “t” in Python 3.7

I have a series of .txt file and I want to remove the prefix and suffix to make them easier to read (and do further analysis) A dummy name would be something like “Test_abcdef_000001.txt”, “Test_abcdef_000002.txt” or “Test_abcdeft_000001.txt” To remove the “Test_” and the “_000001.txt” part, I use rstrip() and lstrip() as followed: The first for loop is scan all the

How to skip some results using double for loop?

I have a problem, so I made it simplified code, everything how it is here need to stay that way because of my bigger problem. I have 2 dictionaries and I have 2 for loops. I need to skip outputs with same result like AA, BB, CC etc… and I need to remove one of AB or BA, I need

Initialising Model in Python’s statsmodels

I am having difficulties understanding how to initialise an empty as well as as a known initial config model in statsmodels, here imported as I get the following error: I have has similar experiences with the method: On the User Guide, it does not give any inputs to this method so I do not know the syntax needed to initialise
