I have some python code that defines a new function based on an old one. It looks like this My new function is the same as the old function, but sets the last argument to 0. My question: Say I did not know the function took three arguments. Can I make the above solution more generic? An invalid solution with
Tag: python-3.x
How do I group into different dates based on change in another column values in Pandas
I have data that looks like this What I would like to do is group by ID and CD and get the start and stop change for each change. I tried using groupby and agg function but it will group all A together even though they needs to be separated since there is B in between 2 A. What I
Extract all matches unless string contains
I am using the re package’s re.findall to extract terms from strings. How can I make a regex to say capture these matches unless you see this substring (in this case the substring “fake”). I attempted this via a anchored look-ahead solution. Current Output: Desired Output I could accomplish this with an if/else but was wondering how to use a
VS Code cursor bug in terminal
Cursor repeating and remaining in the Integrated Terminal in VS Code I encountered this bug in my terminal while doing Python tutorial so downloaded and reinstalled the same version (latest version of VS Code) but the problem persists. I looked about for some answers but only found this tutorial which is not related. Anyway, I reinstalled the software only to
I cannot pass a parameter inside a function to another function (Python)
I successfully defined a parameter and passed it to a function but when I return to main menu that parameter’s value is completely reset and I cannot use it anywhere. The value of the parameter stays only within the second function. Like, the parameter cannot communicate with the whole program as far as I understand. For this project’s sake, I
Deleting multiple elements in a list – with a list of item locations
I have two lists. List1 is the list of items I am trying to format List2 is a list of item locations in List1 that I need to remove (condensing duplicates) The issue seems to be that it first removes the first location (9) and then removes the second (16) after…instead of doing them simultaneously. After it removes 9, the
Run multiple terminals from python script and execute commands (Ubuntu)
What I have is a text file containing all items that need to be deleted from an online app. Every item that needs to be deleted has to be sent 1 at a time. To make deletion process faster, I divide the items in text file in multiple text files and run the script in multiple terminals (~130 for deletion
Python 3: CSV Module
I am working with a simple csv file and want to know how to update the values contained in a specific cell on each row using data my script has generated. Then: Is there a way to take the list <new_colour> and write each list item into the values under colum3 within the csv file? To have it end up
Optimize conversion of numpy ndarray to string
I am currently doing a python program to convert from image to hex string and the other way around. I need two functions, one that takes an image and returns a hex string that corresponds to the RGB values of each pixel, and another function that takes a hex string, two ints, and generates a visible image of that size
Printing issues when moving from Python 2 to 3 with code
I have a code that I am trying to convert but it’s written in Python 2 and I would like to print this code in Python 3. However, it’s not able to print in matrix format. I am getting output in an unrecognizable table format. The code is following: The expected output is in the following format: Could you suggest