this is the output Why there is space and p in last line in output ???? Answer It is because your string contains a space and n is treated as a line break, leaving a p at the end of each line.
Tag: python-3.x
Iterating over 2 lists in SQL execution using SQL Alchemy
I currently have this query: That I changed to use bindparams: So before, I was able to make the query per table in the bmds_stage_table list and change_set_ids was just 1 int But now change_set_ids is a list of ints. So now, for each change_set_id I want to iterate through all the tables in the bmds_stage_table list With the change
Pandas select rows from a DataFrame based on column values?
I have below json string loaded to dataframe. Now I want to filter the record based on ossId. The condition I have is giving the error message. what is the correct way to filter by ossId? Answer I think your issue is due to the json structure. You are actually loading into df a single row that is the whole
regex convert to object
I’m trying to get the value as regex as follow: But I can get the only single value such as “fixed-address” and “host2name”. In “domain-name-servers” I did with “,” in regex. But I think it isn’t the right way because the values are not same count. Could you help me to get the value of “domain-name-servers” and “domain-search” with right
missing some messages in websocket client?
I am trying to implement a websocket client that connects to the popular crypto exchange FTX. I have simplified my problem to the following example code below: The output of the program overall is as expected, but with one major problem: the cumulative trading volume that gets output to the console is WAY too low. It should be about 1,000x-10,000x
How can I create a loop with my conditions
i am looking for help. We need to write a program that prints all numbers in the range of (n -20,n + 20). In addition, the program asks you beforehand to input a number. If that number is not even or multiple of 10, you need to take a guess again. Only if the number is even and multiple by
Python3. How to save downloaded webpages to a specified dir?
I am trying to save all the < a > links within the python homepage into a folder named ‘Downloaded pages’. However after 2 iterations through the for loop I receive the following error: <_io.BufferedWriter name=’Downloaded Pages/’> <_io.BufferedWriter name=’Downloaded Pages/’> Traceback (most recent call last): File “/Users/Lucas/Python/AP book exercise/Web Scraping/”, line 26, in downloadedPage = open(os.path.join(‘Downloaded Pages’, os.path.basename(linkUrlToOpen)),
Pyspark agg max function showing different result
I was just studying some pyspark code and didnt understand these particular lines. I have a python code such as below: When showing empDF after Isn’t it supposed to show the longest list? It is showing [Python , R] as the output ? I dont understand how is this output coming? Answer Pyspark’s max function returns the maximum value of
Display a stream images in Google Colab using OpenCV
I have a stream of images and have to display it in Google Colab notebook such that it looks like a video, But what I get is a image under image … Answer I don’t know if some function can display image in the same place. But I have code which I used with cv2 to display frames from webcam
subtracting time intervals from column dates in dataframes Pandas Python
How would I be able to subtract 1 second and 1 minute and 1 month from data[‘date’] column? Answer Your date column is of type string. Convert it to pd.Timestamp and you can use pd.DateOffset: