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Tag: python-3.x

Separating two print() outputs under a while loop [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 8 months ago. Improve this question Question: Enter a value for n, and the code takes n floating numbers and prints out the first highest and second-highest numbers. Sample Output 1:

Number Formatting in DataFrame

How can I format a subset of a DataFrame according to a custom formatting logic? Before: Country Last Previous Abs. Change 0 United States 8.60 8.30 0.30 1 Japan 2.50 2.50 0.00 2 China 2.00 2.10 -0.10 3 United Kingdom 9.10 9.00 0.10 4 Euro Area 8.10 7.40 0.70 After: Country Last Previous Abs. Change 0 United States 8.6 8.3

How to turn a variable iterable?

Is there any way I can turn a variable iterable in a for loop? I am trying to make a password generator and for the for loop I use a variable which is an input number. When I try to use a variable in a loop I get ‘int’ object is not iterable. Answer Erm… something like Like this? For

How to make enumerate not count blank’s indexes?

I am trying to writing a function which will take a sentence and make each odd letter an uppercase one and each even letter a lowercase one. Here is what I tried: When the input is “Hello my guy”, the output is “HeLlO My gUy” and not “HeLlO mY gUy” because it counts blank as a letter, what can I

How to pass variable to base class

Consider the following Python code (Python 3): I have a class Signal comprising all the functions signals of all different kinds should be able to perform. For each kind of signal, I create a new class, where the data is “sampled”, meaning an array with signal data is specified. If I now want to plot the signal, the plot method

Pyinstaller one file package is leaving temp files when crashed, how to clean those automatically?

I am using pyinstaller to create one file executable with command line. Like all “one file” exeutables, it extracts binaries/dependencies in one temporary folder of OS whenever opened. It generally clean those after closing the application properly but when I close the command line (or when the app crashes) then it leaves all those extracted temp files behind in that
