Is there any way I can download an mp3 file using Python because as soon I get to this URL it automatically opens “file save dialog box” and I’m not able to download it using either the python requests module or PycURL programmatically? I’m getting this URL by using API. There is nothing much you can do with their API.
Tag: python-3.x
how to convert the int Date to datetime
i’ve combined many dateframes but the date is not match as it’s look like (datetime & int) as below , it’s contains float number and datetime date. i’m tried to use the below codes but i found error messages (ValueError: mixed datetimes and integers in passed array) or i found this error elso(‘<‘ not supported between instances of ‘Timestamp’ and
filter a df by all the values with dates before today’s date
I’d like to filter a df by date. But I would like all the values with any date before today’s date (python). For example from the table below, I’d like the rows that have a date before today’s date (i.e. row 1 to row 3). ID date 1 2022-03-25 06:00:00 2 2022-04-25 06:00:00 3 2022-05-25 06:00:00 4 2022-08-25 06:00:00 Thanks
How to access data and handle missing data in a dictionaries within a dataframe
Given, df: Input Dataframe: My expected output dataframe is df[[‘Col1’, ‘Income’, ‘Age’, ‘Street’, ‘Zip’]] where Income, Age, Street, and Zip come from within Person: Answer Using list comprehension, we can create most of these columns. Output: However, dealing with np.nan values inside a nested dictionary is a real pain. Let’s look at getting data from a nested dictionary data where
Python: How to convert a list of integers into nested lists of integers where max-min for each nested list never exceeds X?
I’m actually having a hard time explaining this problem. The title ask for this: But that was just one step in my thought process. Truth is, I need this result: Notice range never exceeds the limit of 100, and its creating a list out of ints from l that fall within the limit (starting from l[0] and resetting any time
how do I match and find a vector in a Numpy array?
I have a Numpy array with size [2000,6].now I have an array with size [1,6] and I want to know which row of the main Numpy array is the same as this [1,6] array. if it exists in the main array, return the index of the row. for example row 1. but I do not want to use for loops
Python ignore already replaced string / replace string not already replaced
Is there a way to identify an already converted/replaced string and not allow it to replace again? This give result as My {first_{family_name}} is not my {family_name} I want result like: My {first_name} is not my {family_name}. Answer You can’t ignore it. Python is searching for ‘name’, and ‘first_name’ contains the word ‘name’ on it. You have at least two
Convert items of a list of lists with different format conversion
I have the following list of lists (denoted by lol): I am trying to convert lol in such a way that each first three strings of a sub-list to be converted to int and each last string of the same sub-list to be converted to datetime (dateConverter() is to convert string to daytime). I am expecting to have as output
Use index() to find multiple identical strings in Python
I have a string. The letter ‘o’ appears twice in the whole string, but when I try to use the index() function to locate the position where the ‘o’ appears, it just traverses from left to right and stops when it finds the first ‘o’. Why can’t index() print all the locations of ‘o’? If possible, how can I use
Adding json value in yml in python changing the format to yml again
I have to fetch json data and paste it in one of the values in yml. But it is converting it to yml format. I want the output as below but with the above script it is showing all the data in dictionary format format. I would like to replace the sampleyaml with the added changes. Please help me. Answer