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Tag: python-3.x

How to make pop-up window with force attention in Tkinter

I want to create a window which doesn’t allow the user to access other windows until you give an input. I tried win.attribute(“ontop”, True) but it allows the user to access other windows. or is there any function like a force_focus_lock() in Tkinter python 3.8 which doesn’t allow other window to get focus until you give a input or the

Pygame : player sprite that disappears behind the background

So there you go, I wanted to experiment a little pygame but I find myself stuck. Context I created a small sprite (with Piskelapp) that represents the player and looks like: player.png then add my background in jpg format. However when launching the game, my sprite is cut by the background as follows: The ship is not placed in front

How to extract elements from a filename and move them to different columns?

I have a filenames which I converted into a list. The list has the following elements: My goal is to extract elements from this list and fill out a dataframe, which should look like this: LINK TO THE GOOGLE SHEETS CONTAINING THE IMAGE ABOVE: WHAT I’VE DONE SO FAR is the following code: But, this one does not leave
