I have tried to use subprocess.check_output() for getting the ps aux command using python but it looks like not working with the large grep string. Can anyone have any solution? Answer Yes, I have found the solution to achieve the output, We can use the following code snippet to find the PID as output. Instead of using ps aux we
Tag: python-3.x
Replace XML variables which have the the same text with another text variable in python
I’m using python 3 and beautifulsoup4, pandas, counter, to convert one XML to CSV file There is several thousand products in this Xml. I have trouble with one particular problem. Many of this product in XML are a children of parent product, but parent product is not itself in XML. Each of this children product have special parent tag with
Asking player numbers then assigning player names to them
I wanted to ask how many players there are first , then depending on how many players they are playing the game, I wanted to loop through and ask their names as input and then assigning it to their player numbers. First: it will ask player numbers Second: it will ask their names Third: then it will create their names
python – Weight for weight from CodeWars
The code works, but at the same time it outputs a string in which the same value can be reversed. Therefore, it gives an error in tests Here is the code itself: enter image description here Answer Find it’s harder to follow your logic, but this will be my simple approach: Please read and compare with yours. It’s passed all
asyncio add_signal_handler not catching sigint or sigterm
I’m having some trouble debugging an issue, I have an asyncio project and I would like it to shutdown gracefully. When I run my code and send a KeyboardInterrupt or TERM signal from a different screen, nothing seems to happen and it doesn’t look like clean_loop is being called. EDIT: I think I was able to isolate the problem a
NotImplementedError when calling pandas_profiling.ProfileReport.to_widgets() inside Apache Zeppelin
I’m trying to use the pandas_profiling package to automagically describe some data frames from inside Apaceh Zeppelin. The code I’m running is: My result is: Any way to work around this? Any hope of working around it from inside Zeppelin? Answer The NotImplementedError is being raised from check_dataframe: https://github.com/ydataai/pandas-profiling/blob/v3.1.0/src/pandas_profiling/model/dataframe.py#L10. check_dataframe uses multimethod for enabling multiple argument dispatching to functions, which
Most efficient way to check if timestamp in list exists between two other timestamps?
I am trying to search a list of datetimes to check if there is a timestamp C that exists between timestamp A and B. I found the bisect stdlib but am not sure how to apply it here with datetime types. My setup is similar to this: I want to check if a timestamp in the list exists between my
How to filter a dataframe column having multiple values in Python
I have a data frame that sometimes has multiple values in cells like this: Now, I want to filter the data frame having an apple in the value. So my output should look like this: I used the str.contains(‘apple’) but this is not returning the ideal result. Can anyone help me with how I can get this result? Answer You
How do I make an list that can be read as either uppercase or lowercase
Im attempting to rewrite an old program of mine, and Im trying to us a list (as an array) to organize the values better than a bunch of variables. I got the array set up, and then set up a if elif else to check input against the values in the array, but then figured I should try and make
Python3: Get count for same dictionaries within list
I have a list of dictionaries and want to get the unique dictionaries with count. i.e Out put should be like Answer Using collections.Counter Dictionary is not hashable so must convert each to a tuple Sort dictionary key, value pairs so initial order does not matter in each dictionary Code Output