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Tag: python-3.8

Loop keeps running code inside even when condition is false

This code keeps on playing “announce” even when the condition inside the if block is untrue can anyone please tell me what’s the wrong logic i am applying in here.. any kind of help would be really helpful “Times And Minutes both are lists” Answer So the issue is that you are not updating the CurrentDate variable. This results in

Different runtime behavior for non-generic typing

Consider these two scenarios: and Running the former (expectedly) throws a TypeError: However the latter doesn’t, and proceeds to the print statement without issue: I would expect a TypeError in both cases. Why is there no TypeError when the Queue[int] type is inside of a class’s __init__ method? Answer Both module and class annotations are accessible at runtime, and thus

Why my rgb color in Kivymd looks different to real color?

I was changing active color of MDTextFieldRound in Kivymd. I set theme.cls.primary_palette to Teal, and I want to set active color to accent color or lighter color of Teal. So I searched on Google and found many posts about teal color’s accent color. And I want to set color to 102,178,178,1 ( But when I use this code and run:

unable to use OAEP decryption in python

Here’s my code: Here’s the error I get: What am I doing wrong? I’m running Python 3.8.3. Answer The mgfunc parameter (3rd parameter) for the mask generation function is incorrectly specified in the posted code. According to the description of mgfunc (callable) – A mask generation function that accepts two parameters: a string to use as seed, and the

Python Walrus Operator in While Loops

I’m trying to understand the walrus assignment operator. Classic while loop breaks when condition is reassigned to False within the loop. Why doesn’t this work using the walrus operator? It ignores the reassignment of x producing an infinite loop. Answer You seem to be under the impression that that assignment happens once before the loop is entered, but that isn’t
