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Tag: pytest

How can request.param be annotated in indirect parametrization?

In the Indirect parametrization example I want to type hint request.param indicating a specific type, a str for example. The problem is since the argument to fixt must be the request fixture there seems to be no way to indicate what type the parameters passed through the “optional param attribute” should be (quoting the documentation). What are the alternatives? Perhaps

Python add pytest –black to test suite

I use pytest for testing my Python project. What I want to do is to add to my test suite a function to check whether my code is formatted in “Black” or not. When I press the command “pytest –black” my whole project is tested as I want to. How can I add this function in my tests suite and

Pytest + mock: patch does not work without with clause

I’m testing complex logic that require joining of central fact table with 10-20 smaller dimensional tables. I want to mock that 10-20 smaller tables. How to patch methods return values in a for loop? See code below. P.S. alternatively I can try to mock the BaseClass.load, but then I don’t know how to return the different data set

running a package pytest with poetry

I am new to poetry and want to get it set-up with pytest. I have a package mylib in the following set-up in test_functions I have However, when I run it complains about mylib not being included. I can run but that clutters my python environment with mylib. I want to use that environment as well for other packages. My

Coverage for one-liner if statement

Static code analyzers for Python do not generate branches in the following case (one-liner if). Is this by design? Even coverage gives 100% coverage even if only one case is tested. Can anyone please shed some light on this? Answer The first comment says “does not create a control structure.” I don’t know what that means. Whether it’s one line

Changing monkeypatch setattr multiple times

I am trying to test code that depends on a third party and would like to use monkeypatch to replicate what I expect a request will return. Here is a minimal example of the code that I have. For my tests, I have something like the following: How can I monkeypatch each of the calls to requests.get using monkeypatch.setattr? The
