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Tag: pyqt5

Drawing a shape over a widget

I need to be able to draw a circle/line on top of another widget, but every time I try, it goes behind. I have read lots of posts about using QPainter over widgets but I still can’t get it to work. The following is a minimal example of my app, and I just want to figure out where to put

python.exe: No module named pyuic5

I want to convert my .ui file to py but pyuic5 is not recognized And when i go to my python directory this error message appears how to fix this error? Answer A more generic option is:

How to update PyQt progressbar from an independent function with arguments?

I want to use multiple imported function with arguments that takes some while to run. I want a ‘working’ progress bar that track the processes of that function. I have followed 2 questions already here. Connect an imported function to Qt5 progress bar without dependencies Report progress to QProgressBar using variable from an imported module The difference is that the

PYQT QTimer does not start

I am using PyQt 5 for a GUI app, and I am having a threading issue. There is a close button and once it is clidked, a QTimer starts and then it waits in a while loop that is conditioned on a value of a variable in which is being incremented in the QTimer handler. The problem is that the

PyQt5: Python crashes with SIGSEGV *sometimes* when sending pixmap via a signal from another thread

Background and Issue I am trying to process streaming data from a camera. Python keeps crashing with this message though: The crash happens sometimes while emitting the signal containing an image. My code, shown below, follows this process: A QObject named CameraThread is instantiated within the GUI and is run by a QThread. CameraThread instantiates a class IngestManager and gives
